Addis Chamber made discussion with its counterpart from Czech Republic to boost trade and investment as well as SMEs in Ethiopia

Addis Chamber made discussion with its counterpart from Czech Republic to boost trade and investment as well as SMEs in Ethiopia

Zebiba NurbenurOct 4, 20241 min read

This time a mission from the Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Crafts of the Czech Republic and Czech-Invest made their presence at the premises of Addis Chamber to discuss joint projects underway between the two. The collaboration between AACCSA/Addis Chamber and its counterpart from Czech Republic is gaining momentum to forge strong partnership that can support trade and investment development as well as SMEs. Particularly the role of…

የአዲስ ቻምበር ፕረዚደንት መሰንበት ሸንቁጤ የ2016 አ.ም የምክር ቤቱ ስኬትና ተግዳሮት እንዲሁም የ2017 አ.ም የምክር ቤቱን የወደፊት የትኩረት አቅጣጫን በተመለከተ ከአዲስ ቻምበር ሚዲያ ጋር ቃለ ምልልስ አድርገዋል፡፡

የአዲስ ቻምበር ፕረዚደንት መሰንበት ሸንቁጤ የ2016 አ.ም የምክር ቤቱ ስኬትና ተግዳሮት እንዲሁም የ2017 አ.ም የምክር ቤቱን የወደፊት የትኩረት አቅጣጫን በተመለከተ ከአዲስ ቻምበር ሚዲያ ጋር ቃለ ምልልስ አድርገዋል፡፡

Zebiba NurbenurOct 4, 20243 min read

ምክር ቤቱ የንግዱን ህብረተሰብ ለማገልገል በአዋጅ እና በቦርድ የሚመራ ተቋም መሆኑን ፕረዚደንቷ ገልጸዋል፡፡ የንግድ እንቅስቃሴን አስመልክቶ የንግዱ ማህበረሰብ በሀገር ውስጥና በውጭ ሀገር በሚከሰቱ ችግሮች ምክንያት በርካታ እንቅፋቶች እንደገጠሙት ተናግረዋል፡፡ ሆኖም ግን ምክር ቤቱ በነዚህ አስቸጋሪ ሁኔታ ውስጥ በማለፍ በርካታ ስራዎችን…

Addis chamber calls on businesses to discharge their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Peace Building Initiatives

Addis chamber calls on businesses to discharge their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Peace Building Initiatives

Zebiba NurbenurOct 4, 20243 min read

In her exclusive interview with Addis Chamber Media, Mesenbet Shenkute, President of Addis Chamber, calls on businesses to discharge their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Peace Building Initiatives as one key stakeholder. While briefing the annual performance of Addis Chamber,…

Businesses are advised to pursue Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Practices at Working Places

Businesses are advised to pursue Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Practices at Working Places

Zebiba NurbenurSep 6, 20243 min read

Addis Chamber, August 20, 2024: There is little understanding concerning Occupational Health and Safety ( OHS) measures among business entities in Ethiopia despite the existing policies putting in place concerning OHS as a result as many operates their duties without…

A panel hosted by Addis Chamber calls for government to strictly regulate forex liberalization

A panel hosted by Addis Chamber calls for government to strictly regulate forex liberalization

Zebiba NurbenurSep 6, 20244 min read

Addis Chamber, August 16, 2024: In a historical measure taken by the Ethiopian government , a new economic policy has allowed the liberalization of Ethiopia’s, foreign exchange market to be determined by market forces, such a breakthrough that determines the…