About us

Established in 1947, AACCSA is a voluntary, non-governmental, business membership organization with more than 17,000 member companies. The chamber serves as a credible voice of business and advocates for the creation of a conducive business environment. It also promotes trade and industry, disseminating business information, consulting government and members on economic development and business issues, establishing friendly relationship with similar chambers in other countries, and exchanging information as well as engaging in arbitration in times of disputes among businesses.

AACCSA is the oldest, largest and strongest Chamber in Ethiopia, representing a wide spectrum of businesses based in Addis Abeba which constitute more than 60% of all businesses operating in the country. Being a member of the World Chambers Federation, AACCSA also has a prominent place in the international network of chambers.

Vision Statement

“To be instrumental in the flourishing of vibrant and
prosperous businesses in Ethiopia.”

Mission Statement

“ To support our members, build competitive,
sustainable and prosperous businesses; to
advocate for business-friendly environment;
to contribute for the overall development of
the private sector, and serve as a platform for
business networking, through our superbly
professional and dedicated staff, utilizing state of
the art technology, and proactive partnerships;
and maintaining high ethical standards.”


AACCSA has endorsed values that would underpin and guide its operations comprising
of Focus, Integrity, Innovation, Credibility, Professionalism, Partnership, and Excellence
which can be abbreviated as FI2CP2E.


Staying focused helps us to become successful. Giving priority to the demands of our members and other customers enables us to accomplish our goal. We achieve this by concentrating on the very purpose our organization exists for and this helps to become cost-effective & result-oriented.


Integrity is essential to ensure the reliability of our organization among customers. Demonstrating the highest moral & ethical standards by all individual actors of AACCSA and in our interaction with others is essential to maintain reputation and establish and strengthen partnership. We ensure this by building a culture of organizational integrity.


Innovation is the base for continuous improvement of our services and to take proactive approach for changes. It enables to ensure the quality of services and to create new demands. We accomplish this by encouraging new ideas and solutions that add value to our organization and/or customers.


Credibility is a valuable asset to achieve our organizational objectives. Building good organizational culture and being transparent are essential to secure sustainable relationship with customers, partners, and stakeholders have towards AACCSA. To accomplish this, we ensure transparency in making decisions, we walk-the-talk, deliver more than we promise, and build the chamber of the image through media.

Professionalism is essential for the success of our organization. Demonstrating proper workplace etiquette, punctuality, and dedication are important to satisfy our customers.


Partnership is indispensable to increase our organizational efficiency. We are committed to developing relationship/alliance and to cooperate with organizations that we share common objectives with the purpose of working to achieve and maximize results by mobilizing and sharing resources.


Excellence is important to meet our goals. We aspire to become the best organization by providing technologically supported branded services through qualified and experienced professionals.

Major Services

AACCSA is engaged in the following range of activities categorized under business Advocacy and business development services.

  1. Advocates for enabling business environment and facilitates public-private dialogue,
  2. Provides business information and advice,
  3. Settles business disputes and provides legal advice through its Arbitration Institute ;
  4. Organizes Local and international trade fairs, exhibitions and facilitates members’ participation,
  5. Builds capacity by providing different short-term training.
  6. Facilitates business match-making and networking with local and international companies,
  7. Promotes member companies and their products through its business directory and website,
  8. Establishes market linkages and provides capacity development with support from development partners
  9. Issues testimonials and authenticates business documents to boost the credibility of companies.
  10. Implement ISO-Management systems and assist companies to acquire internationally accredited ISO Certificates.
  11. Provide sector-specific support through :
  • Manufacturing business information and advice
  • Sector-specific Platforms
    12. Specific support to micro and small businesses and women-led businesses

Membership Benefits

  • Business information and advice
  • Business matchmaking
  • Market Access
  • Networking Opportunities
  •  Sector-specific support
  • Business Promotion
  • Training
  • Arbitration Service
  • Accreditation
  • Improved Management System


  • Composed of the general membership,
  • Is the supreme organ of AACCSA.


  • Elected by the General assembly for a two-year period,
  • Sets policies, approves the program and budget of the Secre­tariat, forms sectoral committees, appoints the Secretary General


  • Is elected by the General Assembly for a period of two years,
  • Chairs board meetings and the annual General Assembly


  • Led by the Secretary General, with two Deputy Secretary Generals and one Support Service Director, the Secretariat is re­sponsible for the day-to-day running of AACCSA
  • AACCSA consists of 3 institutes, 7 departments, and 5 service units


  • A team of highly trained & dedicated staff, consisting of 82 permanent and 12 temporary staff members, out of which 45 % are female. AACCSA Profile PDF

ISO Certification 2015:9001