Addis Ababa Chamber of commerce to start its new project entitled ‘Private Sector Alliance on Deteriorating Living Standards” (social support event) in Addis Ababa tomorrow @ the exhibition center in which the Chamber and private sector operators by providing food for lunch for sections of the community / about 500/ that have been severely affected and suffered by the current inflation.
This is the latest intervention of Addis chamber in reaching out affected communities in the capital Addis Ababa.
The donation will help only to satisfy the urgent need of the society however Addis Chamber intends to support communities particularly unemployed youth permanently by designing new projects like that of the Business incubation center in partnership with the local and international partners.
This social support project is implemented in collaboration with the city administration of Addis Ababa.
The project intends to outreach about 5000 people who have been affected by the existing inflation this rainy summer.