Members of business communities of Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Association made a virtual discussion with their counterpart located in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The virtual meeting that was held in the premises of the embassy of Kazakhstan in Addis Ababa has attracted wider stakeholders from the two sides.
The business forum has attracted business communities from Addis Ababa, Kazak Export, and an insurance company from Kazakhstan and ministry of trade and integration from the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Having the theme “Promoting Trade and Investment between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia”, the business forum served as an important platform to connect the business communities of the two nations.
In his welcoming remark, B.Sadyakov, Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Ethiopia and African Union said that Kazakhstan has ample potential in agriculture, mining, energy and finance and it is one of the largest exporters of crop and oil seed and one of the top performers of doing business in the world.
Kazakhstan and Ethiopia have maintained an excellent relationship and they have a very good prospect in all areas of cooperation where the relationship is based on friendship and mutual support, remarked, B.Sadyakov during the business forum.
He further pointed that trade and economic cooperation is now at the initial development but there is a huge potential for interaction that need action, underscores the ambassador.
Following the keynote speech made by the Ambassador, Mr. Zekarias Assefa, deputy secretary general of Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Association said that the current trade and investment ties of the two countries is promising and expected to be promoted in the near future.
The recent trade exchange of the two countries have shown positive signal to embark on for further economic ties, underscores Zekarias.
The panel discussion has also hosted presentations made by center for trade policy development “ Qaz trade” from ministry of trade and integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan and management of the specialized insurance organizations “ export insurance company “ Kazakhs export” JSC.
Business opportunities, potentials and polices were briefed to the Ethiopian business communities to help them properly target Kazakhstan as one of the best trade and investment destinations in Eurasia.
Representatives of the business communities from Ethiopia have also expressed their interest to connect with their counterparts in Kazakhstan, revealing the diverse business opportunities and potentials in Ethiopia such as in agro industries.
The business communities have also called on the embassy of Kazakhstan in Addis Ababa to exert endeavors to make the business ties even strong.