The current inflation still impacting millions in all parts of the country.
To many poor, it is getting matter an impossible puzzle of daily life.
Reports say that specially, the poor in cities like Addis, are worst hit by the unprecedented price hike to the extent that they cannot afford a single meal a day.
In response to the crises, however, the government and other stakeholders are providing various supports to the disadvantaged around them.
It is against this background, Addis Chamber has come up with an innovative social support project in cooperation with Addis Ababa City Administration with a view to reaching out to the poor in the city through involving the business community.
The project has major components of providing food items and meals to the affected families, influencing company support their workers with credit facilities and promoting the Green Legacy.
Accordingly, the chamber has launched its project activities by proving meal to some 500 vulnerable families in in Woreda 09, Kirkos Sub city.