1st Information Technology Value Chain Networking took place
Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce & Sectoral Association (AACCSA) conducted the first Information Technology System (IT) Sector Value Chain Networking on Thursday December 1, 2016 at Maria Hotel. The Networking Event was part of the manufacturing advisory service network establishment activities and prepared for the purpose of unleash the potential of IT sector to manufacturing sector. Members engaged in IT sector, Government and non-Government bodies and It Users attended the networking.The event…
የፋርማሲ የንግድ ትስስር ክለብ አባላት ምክክር አደረጉ
የጉምሩክ አሰራር በታሪፍ አወሳሰንና ስራዎች ከመጓተት ጋር ያሉ ችግሮች፣ ባንኮች የውጭ ምንዛሪ የሚያቀርቡበት ሂደትና አሰራር፣ መንግስት በፖሊሲና በማበረታቻነት ያስቀመጣቸውን ወደ በስራ ላይ ከማዋል ረገድ ያሉ ችግሮች የፋርማሴውቲካል ዘርፍን አንቀው ከያዙት ውስጥ ይገኙበታል፡፡ በፋርማሲና ተያያዥነት ባላቸው የስራ መስኮች የተሰማሩ የግልና የህዝብ…
Int’l Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Training Provided
Half day training on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) was provided to heads of finance coming from various organizations. The goal behind Financial Reporting Standards is to achieve uniformity globally. Addis Chamber organized the training at Harmony Hotel, on April…
Validation Workshop on Land Lease Law Takes Place
Land was declared a critical factor for private sector investment and yet access to it has been faced with enduring problems, it was reiterated at a validation workshop on “Land Lease Law”. The study focuses on provisions of the 2004…
Consultative meeting held with foreign member companies
AACCSA conducted a consultative meeting with foreign owned member companies at Hilton Addis on April 14, 2016. The Chamber, led by the board of directors, discussed on the possibilities of enhancing member companies’ engagement in chamber’s activities and obtained valuable…